Double deck beds in a room
eves house logo
flowers on pots
collage of houses

EVES House:

A safe, sober, supervised, and supportive recovery residence providing a love-filled living environment where those on the path to recovery can experience structure while learning the biblical principles and successful life skills needed to recover their life.

  • We come along side our ladies in a supportive, trust-filled, accountability-strong, hope-rich, community-building manner that reinforces in their heart and mind that they are valuable, they are capable, they are needed and they belong!
  • We teach the truth in love.
  • We both require and allow for responsible and meaningful peer-interaction.
  • When setbacks and inappropriate behaviors of any kind risk our participant’s sobriety we require true repentance (with gentleness and respect).
Door and windows Double deck bed and a sofa in a room
Different flowers
hanging flowers on pots
flowers in patterned pots
Flowers on basket containers on top of a fence
eves house image
Eves House Invitation for Graduation Celebration
People watching a video through a projector

Two years ago my life was full of chaos, due to alcohol and my own selfish ways.  Bitterness from some trials of life had set in so deep that I blamed God and everyone else.  Instead of trying to change myself or ask for help and guidance, I just self-destructed in everything and in every way. As a result, I ended up in the hospital for 10 days with my body shutting down. I have no recollection of the first 4 days, but for the last 6 days all I remember doing is praying and asking God to please help me find my way back to Him, His Word and the peace of mind I had years prior. Shortly after this I began attending Recovering Life where I met Bobbi Hookfin who touched something in me that opened a whole new way of spiritual guidance and teaching of God’s Word, His will and his unconditional love for me. With her wisdom, patience and love for God, she has shown me how to slowly, but determinedly change my way of thinking and the way I walk with the Lord. She showed me the difference between having religion and having a relationship with God.

Cathy P.

Some plant and others water, but it is God that gives the increase. 1 Cor 3:6-7